Gateways to Canada’s resources

highway through forest high-up shot

About Resource Roads

Canada is home to vast private road networks built by resource companies in diversified industries (E&P, forestry, midstream, mining and renewables). These networks form the cardiovascular system of Canada's resource sector enabling the movement of people, equipment and technology in and transport of resources out.

Thousands of kilometres have been built by individual resource companies with replacement costs in excess of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Roads are a non-core function for companies, yet significant capital and resources are deployed to build, operate and administer them – with little or no coordination between companies or across industries. 

aerial view of road surrounded by dense trees

Fractured Ownership

Fractured ownership of roads results in tremendous inefficiencies; industry considers roads as an input cost and a burden.

Gravel road through forest eagle-eye view

Consolidated Ownership

Consolidated ownership and operatorship improves outcomes for developers, regulators, commercial users and the public

  • efficiencies and reduction of G&A and operating costs
  • improved safety, OHS management and environmental performance 
  • consistent quality, design, construction and maintenance

CRR is the first company whose sole purpose is to own and operate resource roads.

rain in mountains with sunshine from back
aerial view of road surrounded by dense treesGravel road through forest eagle-eye viewrain in mountains with sunshine from backplaceholder image

Your road to resources

Interested in learning the unrealized value of your roadways?